Links, Links and more Links
Started the leborious task of adding links to the menu items today. It's ok when you do the first tab as you don't have to scroll down too far but after a while it's pretty tedious to say the least.
I've done three of the headers and just the Churches to do now, all 50+ of them.
Photos have been added to most of the pages, need to get out and start snapping some more. I have one or two places i need to check out as well.
I read today about the old Palace Hotel in Birkdale, the old coach house which is now the Fishermen's Rest is the only part of the property still standing. I've found some old pictures and i'm going to add it to the 'Hotel' section.
Also been researching the Pavilion Buildings and found out we used to have the 'Winter Gardens' where Morrisons is located now. It had a zoo and an aquarium and everything apparently and was in existence from 1874-1933.